the Musical Instrument as a
Natural Extension of the Musician

This project started out as my MA thesis in Philosophy and is the basis of all my further work. Here I investigate why, how, and when musician experience their instrument as a part of themselves.
Keywords: ecological philosophy, activity theory, flow and presence
MiME - A movement-based approach
to instrumental music learning/teaching

This project is my postdoctoral research. Here I develop a [practice & research]-based pedagogical framework for the integration of creative movement in the instrumental music classroom
Keywords: musical creativity, bodily freedom, multimodal learning
My research domains are:
instrumental music teaching and learning
music educational technology
In particular, I investigate:
the role of the body in the instrumental music learning process
the relationship between musician and instrument
how technology can contribute to an embodied approach to instrumental music teaching and learning
The leitmotiv in my work is the interaction between research and practice.That is:
my research is practice-based
my teaching is research-based
As such, my work emerges at the intersection of content, pedagogical, technological and research knowledge