Welcome to my personal website!
I'm a musician, educator and researcher, affiliated as an Associate Professor in Early Childhood Music Education to the University of Luxemburg. I am also affiliated to IPEM at Ghent University, as a Visiting Professor. Previously, I was affiliated to IPEM (Ghent University) as a Ph.D. student and postdoc, and to the Royal Conservatoire Antwerp as a Ph.D. student in the arts.
I devote my time to the development of [research & practice]-based innovative movement-based approaches to instrumental music teaching and learning (in Early Childhood).
The leitmotiv in my work is the integration of theoretical, empirical and practical research. Importantly, my research is constantly inspired by my experience as performer and teacher.
Next to my work as an academic, I am a guest lecturer at different conservatoires. I play the clarinet in a balkan/klezmer band with some of my friends, the Holy7.

The project "MutechLab. Promoting evidence-informed technology integration in the music classroom" has been approved by the Luxembourg National Research Fund - FNR.
Launched a survey on instrumental music education in Early Childhood... check it HERE . See a video HERE
My first book (for teachers) is out: check it HERE
I was invited to become editorial member of Nature's Scientific Reports
new paper accepted on AR and Music Education, in IEEE Access. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10597574
new paper on embodied creativity:
2025.01.31 ∣ Bewegend leren musiceren; Boekvoorstelling (Antwerpen, B)
2025.02.21 ∣ Embodied Music Pedagogy, Locomus Seminar (Online)
2025.03.03 ∣ Creativity in Music Education, BEM Colloquium (Ettelbruck, LU)
2025.05.15 ∣ Journée de culture et recherche (Belval, LU)
2025.06.04-07 ∣ several presentations at the 32th EAS Conference in Evora (Pt)