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Forthcoming/In preparation

​​​​Nijs, L. The 'caring' music school. A bioecological perspective on music schools and well-being.

Nijs, L. Fostering a synergy between the development of well-being and musicianship: a kinemusical perspective.

Bremmer, M. & Nijs, L. Bewegen om te (laten) leren. Een inspiratieboek voor het muziekonderwijs. Garant

First Author
First Author

Nijs, L. (2024). Bewegend lerend musiceren. Een kinemuzikale benadering van het instrumentaal muziekonderwijs. Garant

Nijs, L. & Turchet, L. (2024). Internet of Musical Things for Children. Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Symposium on the Internet of Sounds (IS2 2024).

Nijs, L. & Behzadaval, B. (2024). Laying the Foundation for Augmented Reality in Music Education. IEEE Access. 

Nijs, L., Grinspun, N. & Fortuna, S. (2024). Creativity through movement: navigating the musical affordance space. Creativity Research Journal

Nijs, L., Bremmer, M., Van der Schyff, D. & Schiavio, A. (2023) Embodying dynamical systems in music performance. Music Performance Research.

Nijs, L. & Nicolaou, G. (2021). Flourishing in resonance: joint resilience building through music and motion. Frontiers in Psychology, Research Topic on Eudaimonia and music learning, 12.

Nijs, L. & Verneert, F. (2021). Ook het kunstonderwijs heeft nood aan digitale geletterdheid. Knack “Vrije Tribune”. See here

Nijs, L. (2021). Gezocht: Klarinetten voor het goede doel: bouwen aan de veerkracht van kwetsbare kinderen. De Klarinet, 133.

Nijs, L. (2020). Digitale muziektoepassingen Het bos door de bomen zien. Kunstzone, 6, 52-53. See here

Nijs, L. & Gluschankof, C. (2020). Editorial. International Journal of Music in Early Childhood (Special issue on the MERYC 2019 conference), 15(1), 3-9.

Nijs, L. (2019). Moving together while playing music: promoting involvement through student-centred collaborative practices. In St. Gies & J.H. Sætre (Eds.), Becoming musicians – student involvement and teacher collaboration in higher music education. Oslo: The Norwegian Academy of Music.

Nijs, L. & Bremmer, M. (2019). Embodiment and Early Childhood Music Education. In B. Ilari & S. Young. Music in Early Childhood: Multi-disciplinary Perspectives and Inter-disciplinary Exchanges. Springer International Publishing.

Nijs, L. (2018). Dalcroze meets technology. A case study with the Music Paint Machine. Music Education Research, 20(3), 163-183.


Nijs, L., Bremmer, M. & Van Dool, J. (2018). Singewing Space, an augmented blended-learning approach to music learning. AHK.


Nijs, L. (2017). Beweging in de instrumentles: exploraties met de Music Paint Machine. De Piramide, 70(4), 6–10.

Nijs, L. & De Baets, Th. (2017). Every little thing. In De Baets, Th., A. De Vugt & T. Castelein (Eds.), Ticket to Ride. praktijkonderzoek in muziekeducatie (pp. 23-42). Garant.


​Nijs, L. (2017). Creatief met muziek en beweging. Het is eens wat anders.... Klankbord (4). Gent: Vlamo


Nijs, L. (2017). The merging of musician and musical instrument: incorporation, presence and the levels of embodiment. In M. Lesaffre, P.J. Maes & M. Leman (Eds). The Routledge Companion to Embodied Music Interaction (pp. 49 – 57). Routledge.


Nijs, L. & Leman, M. (2016). Performing with the Music Paint Machine: provoking an embodied approach to educational technology. In A. King & E. Himonides (Eds.), Music, Technology & Education: Critical Perspectives (pp. 225–242). Ashgate Psychology of Music Series


Nijs, L. & Leman, M. (2016). Children’s improvisation with and without MIROR Impro: Free vs. Guided Exploration. In Addessi, A.R. (Ed.), La creatività musicale e motoria dei bambini in ambienti riflessivi: proposte didattiche con la piattaforma MIROR. Bononia University Press.


Nijs, L & Leman, M. (2015). Creatieve visualisatie in de instrumentles. In L. Nijs & T. De Baets (Eds), Muziekpedagogiek in beweging. Technologie als medium (pp. 27-42). Euprint


Nijs, L & Leman, M. (2014). Interactive technologies in the instrumental music classroom: a longitudinal study with the Music Paint Machine. Computers and Education, 73, 40-59.


Nijs, L., M. Lesaffre & M. Leman (2013). The Musical Instrument as a Natural Extension of the Musician. In Castellengo, M. & Genevois, H. (Eds.), Music and its instruments (pp. 467–484). Editions Delatour France.


Nijs, L. (2013). Het effect van technologie op de reflectiviteit van de leraar: een studie met de Music Paint Machine. Adem, Driemaandelijks Tijdschrift voor Muziek.


Nijs, L. (2013). De synergie van muziek, beeld en beweging: relevant voor de instrumentles? Artishok (12).


Nijs, L. & Leman, M. (2013). Interactive technologies in the instrumental music classroom: a case study with the Music Paint Machine. Meryc 2013


Nijs, L., Coussement, P., Moens, B., Amelynck, D., Lesaffre, M. & Leman, M. (2012). Interacting with the Music Paint Machine: relating the concepts of flow experience and presence. Interacting with Computers 24(4), special issue on presence and interaction, 237-250


Nijs, L., Moens, B., Lesaffre, M. & Leman, M. (2012). The Music Paint Machine: stimulating self-monitoring through the generation of creative visual output using a technology-enhanced learning tool. Journal of New Music Research, 41(1), 79-101.


Nijs, L. (2011). Evaluatie in de instrumentles: pleidooi voor systematisering en explicitering. Artishok, 6.


Nijs, L. (2010). Muziek in ieders lijf. Enkele beschouwingen over DKO, muziek en beweging. Artishok, 4.


Nijs, L., P. Coussement, C. Muller, M. Lesaffre & M. Leman (2010). The Music Paint Machine. A multimodal interactive platform to stimulate musical creativity in instrumental practice. In José A. Moinhos Cordeiro, Boris Shishkov, Alexander Verbraeck, Markus Helfert (Eds.): CSEDU 2010 - Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computer Supported Education, Valencia, Spain, April 7-10, 2010 - Volume 1. INSTICC Press 2010


Nijs, L., M. Lesaffre & M. Leman (2010). Music performance and the mediality of acoustic musical instruments: an Activity Theory perspective. In Proceedings of Mediality of Music Cognition and Aisthesis (MeMCA), Köln


Nijs, L., M. Lesaffre & M. Leman (2009). The Musical Instrument as a Natural Extension of the Musician. In Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of Interdisciplinary Musicology, Paris, France


Nijs, L. (2008). Evaluatie in het deeltijds kunstonderwijs: het schietlood in actie. In P. Van Petegem e.a. (Eds.), Begeleid zelfstandig leren (pp. 1-40). Wolters-Plantyn.


Verneert, F., Nijs, L. & De Baets, T. (2024). Collective Free improvisation in the Flemish general music classroom: Probing student’s lived experience through Flow. International Journal of Music Education.

Bremmer, M. & Nijs, L. (2024). Materiaal in belichaamde muziekdidactiek. Kunstzone, 4, 31-32

Fortuna, S. & Nijs, L. (2024). The Effect of the Quality of Body Movement on Musical Sense-Making. In I. Malmberg & M. Petrović (Eds.), European Perspectives on Music Education. Helbling

Verneert, F., De bisschop, A., Nijs, L. & De Baets, Th. (2024). The pedagogical-artistic strategies of community music facilitators as an inspiration for formal music education: a single case study. International Journal of Community Music, 17(2), 129 - 160.

Bremmer, M. & Nijs, L. (2024). Embodiment in music education. Journal de recherche en éducations artistiques, 2, Special issue edited by P. Terrien & S. Chatelein, 2, 13-26.  

Dansereau, D., Andang'o, E. & Nijs, L. (2023). Publishing in the International Journal of Music in Early Childhood: Key processes and considerations. International Journal of Music in Early Childhood, 18(1), 53-59.


Schiavo, A., Nijs, L. Van der Schyff, D. & Juntunen, M.L. (2023). Editorial: Community Series: Towards a Meaningful Instrumental Music Education. Methods, Perspectives, and Challenges -Volume II. Frontiers in Psychology.

Spieker, B. & Nijs, L. (2023). Technologie in het muziekonderwijs op een kruispunt. In Th. De Baets & A. De Vugt (Eds.). Beweging in Muziekpedagogiek. Euprint.

Nicoloau, G. & Nijs,L., & Van Petegem, P. (2023). Moving in Musicking: The evolving pedagogical practice of the artist-facilitator within asylum seeker centers. Frontiers in Psychology.

Stijnen, J., Nijs, L., Van Petegem, P. (2023). Instrument teachers' practice and attitudes on musical creativity: exploring the creative process of interpretation. British Journal of Music Education

Michalko, A., Campo, A., Nijs, L., Leman, M. & Van Dijck, E. (2022). Towards a Meaningful Technology for Instrumental Music Education: Teachers' Voice. Frontiers in Education

Schiavio, A. & Nijs, L. (2022). Implementation of a Remote Instrumental Music Course Focused on Creativity, Interaction, and Bodily Movement. Preliminary Insights and Thematic Analysis. Frontiers in Psychology (Performance Science).


Fortuna, S., & Nijs, L. (2022). The influence of discrete versus continuous movements on children’s musical sense-making. British Journal of Music Education, 1-20.


Verneert, F., De Bisschop, A., Nijs, L. & De Baets, Th. (2022). Improvisation pour tous! Comment un projet musical participatif peut inspirer l'éducation musicale formelle. L'Education musical, 135

Bremmer, M. & Nijs, L. (2022). Embodied Music Pedagogy. A vision on the dynamic role of the body in music education. In T. Buchborn, S. Schmid, G. Brunner, and Th. De Baets (Eds.), European perspectives on music education: Music Is What People Do. Helbling.

Verneert, F., Nijs, L., & De Baets, T. (2021). A Space for Collaborative Creativity. How Collective Improvising Shapes ‘a Sense of Belonging’. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 1080.

Saetre, J.H. & Nijs, L. (2021). Editorial. Journal of Music, technology and Education. Special issue in on "Technology and digital learning in higher music performance education: Experiences, opportunities and challenges".

Fortuna, S. & Nijs, L. (2021). The Influence of Body Movement on Children's Musical Sense-Making: an intervention-based study. British Journal of Music Education.

Caruso, G. & Nijs, L.  (2021). When Arts and Science meet: Digital Technology in Artistic Research. Journal of Music, Technology & Education, Special issue.

Bremmer, M. & Nijs, L. (2021). Lichamelijkheid in muziekonderwijs [Corporeality in music education]. In A. De Vugt & T. De Baets (Eds.). Muziekpedagogiek in beweging: Typisch muziek! (Muziekpedagogiek in beweging, Vol. 4) (pp. 49-62). Euprint. 

Schiavo, A., Nijs, L. Van der Schyff, D. & Juntunen, M.L. (2020). Editorial. Frontiers in Psychology, Research Topic "Toward a meaningful Instrumental Music Education. Methods, perspectives, and challenges."

Fortuna, S. & Nijs, L. (2020). Children’s Verbal Explanations of their Graphic Representation of the Music. International Journal of Music Education.

Grinspun, N., Nijs, L., Kausel, L., Onderdijck, K. & Sepulveda, N. (2020). Selective Attention and inhibitory control of attention are correlated with music audiation. Frontiers in psychology, 11, 1109.


Bremmer, M. and Nijs, L. (2020). The Role of the Body in Instrumental and Vocal Music Pedagogy: A Dynamical

Systems Theory Perspective on the Music Teacher’s Bodily Engagement in Teaching and Learning. Frontiers in Education, 5:79.

Caruso, G., Nijs, L., & Leman, M.  (2020). My avatar and me”: technology-enhanced mirror in monitoring music performance practice. In R. Hepworth-Sawyer, J. Paterson, & R. Toulson. Innovation in Music. Future Opportunities (pp. ). Routlede.

Duerinck, T., ,Verberkmoes, G., Fritz, C., Leman, M., Nijs, L., Kersemans, M.  &Van Paepegem, W. (2020). Listener evaluations of violins made from composites. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 147(4).


Fortuna, S. & Nijs, L. (2019): Children’s representational strategies based on verbal versus bodily interactions with music: an intervention-based study. Music Education Research, 22(1), 107-127.

Maes, P. J., Nijs, L., & Leman, M. (2018). A conceptual framework for music-based interaction systems. In Springer Handbook of Systematic Musicology (pp. 793-804). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

Leman, M., Maes, P. J., Nijs, L., & Van Dyck, E. (2018). What is embodied music cognition?. In Springer handbook of systematic musicology (pp. 747-760). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

Duerinck, T., Verberkmoes, G., Van Paepegem, W., Kersemans, M., Nijs, L., & Leman, M. (2019). Music instruments from carbon, glass or flax fibres. JEC Composites Magazine, (129), 63-65.

Leman, M., Nijs, L. & Di Stefano, N. (2017). On the Role of the Hand in the Expression of Music. In N. Di Stefano & M. Bertaloza. The Hand. Springer

Vets, T., Degrave, J., Nijs, L., Bressan, F. & Leman, M. (2017). PLXTRM: Prediction-Led eXtended-guitar Tool for Real-time Music applications and live performance. Journal of New Music Research

Leman, M. & Nijs, L. (2017). Music Cognition and Technology-Enhanced Learning for Music Playing. In: A. King, E. Himonides & A. Ruthman. The Routledge Companion to Music, Technology, and Education. London: Routledge

Caruso, G., Coorevits, E., Nijs, L., & Leman, M. (2016). Gestures in Contemporary Music Performance: A Method to Assist the Performer’s Artistic Process. Contemporary Music Review, 1-21.

Vets, T., Nijs, L., Lesaffre, M., Moens, B., Bressan, F., Colpaert, P., Lambert, P., Walle, R. V. De & Leman, M. (2016). Gamified expressive interaction with BilliArT: A multimodal installation with balls. Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces.

De Baets, Th. & Nijs, L. (2015) Onderzoek door muziekdocenten, is dat wel wetenschap? Cultuur+Educatie, 42

Moelants, D. & Nijs, L. & Leman, M. (2014). Evolution of timing through instrumental practice by violinists and clarinettists. In: Son, M.K. (2014). Proceedings of the ICMPC-APSCOM 2014 Joint Conference, South Korea: Seoul

De Baets, Th. & Nijs, L. (2013). De muziekleraar als onderzoeker. In: De Baets, T. & Nijs, L. (Eds). Muziekpedagogiek in beweging. Onderzoek als motor voor onderwijsinnovatie. Heverlee, Euprint Ed.

Leman, M., De Bruyn, L., Maes, P.-J., Moens, B. & Nijs, L. (2012). Musique et incarnation: le couplage de l’action et de la perception. In: Richelle, M.& Wangermée, R. (Eds). Musique et sciences de l' esprit. Bruxelles, L' Aurore

Desmet, F., Nijs, L., Demey, M., Lesaffre,M. & Leman, M. (2012).Assessing a clarinet player's performer gestures in relation to locally intended musical targets. Journal of New Music Research, 41(1), pp. 31-48.

Leman, M., Lesaffre, M., Nijs, L. & Deweppe, A. (2010). User-oriented studies in embodied music cognition research. In: Musicae scientiae, Special Issue: Understanding musical structure and form: papers in honour of Irène Deliège.

Lesaffre, M., Nijs, L. & Leman, M. (2009). Interacting with music mediation technology for hearing impaired - first tests with normal hearing subjects. In: Proceedings of the 7th Triennial Conference of European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music, Jyväskylä, Finland.


Saetre, J.H. & Nijs, L. (2022). Journal of Music, technology and Education. Special issue in on "Technology and digital learning in higher music performance education: Experiences, opportunities and challenges".

Nijs, L. & Gluschankof, C. (2020). Special issue of IJMEC on MERYC 2019 conference.


Schiavio, A., Nijs, L., Van der Schyff, D. & Juntunen, M.L.  (2019/2020). Towards a Meaningful Instrumental Music Education. Methods, Perspectives, and Challenges. Frontiers Special Topic.

Nijs, L. & Van Regenmortel H. (2019). Counterpoint of the senses. Bodily experiences in musical learning. Proceedings of the 9th Conference of MERYC Eu. 

Nijs, L & De Baets, Th. (Eds.) (2015). Muziekpedagogiek in beweging. Technologie als medium. Euprint.

De Baets, T. & Nijs, L. (Eds.)(2013). Muziekpedagogiek in beweging. Onderzoek als motor voor onderwijsinnovatie. Euprint.


Doctoral Thesis (Systematic Musicology)

Nijs, L. (2012). The Music Paint Machine. An embodied constructivist approach to technology-enhanced instrumental music instruction. Unpublished doctoral thesis, Ghent University.

Master Thesis (Philosophy)

Nijs, L. (2008). Het muziekinstrument als natuurlijke extensie van de musicus. Een analyse van de muzikale uitvoering en van de relatie tussen musicus en muziekinstrument. Unpublished master thesis, Ghent University. (The musical instrument as natural extension of the musician. An analysis of music performance and of the relationship between musician and musical instrument)


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