Filip Verneert
‘Throw them in the deep end.’
How can non-idiomatic improvisation in participatory music projects inspire formal music education?
Project description
In recent years, improvisation has been increasingly used and practiced in music education and has become an important educational tool to promote creativity. Recent research increasingly points to the importance of interaction and collaboration for the development of creativity.
In this project, we elaborate on how the pedagogical - artistic strategies of community music projects using improvisation, may inspire a broader range of educational practices. The pedagogical-artistic strategies of the coaches in such projects, their training and their beliefs may play a crucial role not only in enhancing a sense of belonging, but also in facilitating the musical process and outcomes. Thus, they foster the emergence of an educational approach that may have the potential to enrich formal music educational practices.
This research will address questions such as: How can we highlight the social relevance of improvisation in music, as well as critically consider how improvisation can be shaped in formal music education? How can educational practices in participatory music projects and formal music education be reconciled? What are the pedagogical implications to provide a more systematic approach in working with musical improvisation.
About Filip
Filip is PhD researcher at the LUCA School of Arts -KU Leuven (music education) and director of Muziekmozaïek, the organization for Folk & Jazz Music in Belgium. He is Master of Science in Educational Studies (KU Leuven), did a postgraduate program in Systems Therapy (KU Leuven) and studied jazz guitar. Filip is a member of the International Ethno Committee and affiliated with CESAMM (Centre for Social Action and Music Making, UGent). His research includes community music, collaborative creativity, music education and improvisation, with a particular interest in the social and educational effects of collective free improvisation.